How to understand the purpose in each of your disappointments

ImageLife will happen, of course. Luckily for all of us; its all happening according to plan. Don’t fret the changes and unforeseen turn of events because trust me, everything that is happening to you is happening for you. Make a decision to use every disappointment or trial you see in your life as an opportunity for growth. All of the things that are making you feel so uncomfortable, disappointed and undervalued have a purpose. Just relax and keep these three things in mind:

1.  Good things will fall apart so better things can come together.

2. Life is all about loving, growing, maturing and maximizing your good energy here on earth.

3. There are millions of people on this planet, never let one “ruin” or stagnate your life. Live, forgive and love again.

Disappointments come to make you strong. Have you considered the fact that you often deserve even better than what you think you want. Doors closed are leading you to better doors ahead. Be patient and learn to love through it all. There is purpose in your pains, just smile again 🙂




Persevere, room has been made for you.

Image Keep trying, stay positive and keep striving for your greater. We all face battles and experience feelings of defeat during our life journey….the good news is true champions can always bounce back. When the cares of this world have you feeling shaky don’t be disturbed or distracted, get up and fight some more. Don’t surrender in defeat or give up at first instinct, you are a fighter. Keep pushing, persistence and perseverance is key. Go again, try again, seek again, it’s a must.  Behind every locked door there is space and room for you.

Battles can seem painful and endure longer than we’d like but don’t run from them. Don’t worry or fear, they don’t last forever and rest will come. Victory requires effort. Fight to live the life YOU are destined to live. Champions recognize when to fight, when to fight harder and when the battle has been won. Champions don’t fight always. Breakthrough, opportunity and access is all around you. Whatever has been taken from you demand it be returned. Prosperity, healing, health, peace, joy, love, whatever it is… persevere and explore new possibilities, room has been made for you. xoxo

Move forward, victory is for you.

Good news!! The victory is yours, yes YOU reading. It’s not by chance or accident that things are exactly as they are. I hope you aren’t feeling your life or even the lives of your loved ones is off course because rest assured everything is perfect! Even the things that seem tragic, disastrous and uncertain in time will all make sense. In times of discomfort, don’t allow fear to paralyze your drive or dreams… move forward. Moving forward is your only option. Do not dwell on the things of the past instead rejoice for the many good things that are destined for you in the near future. Everything that has happened in your life prior to now had to happen. It happened to bring you into this very exact moment. Make sincere effort not to complain or murmur, in all things give thanks. Move forward… victory awaits you. xoxo #WIN

You have what you need.

ImageEverything you’ll need to achieve the desires of your heart, you have. You have been equipped with strength, courage, ability, talent and faith to overcome every moment you may encounter in this life. Your life journey is unique and everything that is for you, you will have. Don’t be consumed with temporary circumstances because they are just that… temporary. Invest in others as you invest in yourself. Study, read books, talk to mentors, spend time alone accessing your thoughts and try new things. Success and happiness has a different meaning for different people and as you grow, your own definitions of the two will likely change. Euphoria is yours if you choose. You will achieve whatever you want to achieve because nothing is too hard for you. You have what you need to win. xoxo

The time is now

February welcomes love and black history tributes. Love is powerful so I challenge you; LOVE YOURSELF. Loving yourself is one of the most important steps during your life journey. Love is a universal emotion that draws people and covers a multitude of wrong doings. You are all spirits occupying a shell, imperfectly perfect. Mastering the art of self-love qualifies you to effectively influence and express love towards others. You are simply a visitor to this place called earth, learning as you go along. Many of your ancestors sacrificed until death, suffering oppression and horrifying injustice for the sake of your future. Each of you have a valuable contribution to make during your lifetime and unless you know your history….. you are simply a leaf that doesn’t know you are part of a tree. Learn your history and teach someone you love. Xoxo

Give and it shall be given unto you.


How often do you consider the needs of others before your own? Is it something you practice daily? Hopefully so because there is a great reward for you who are selfless and sacrifice for the comfort of others. Giving is influential and surely not limited to monetary form. Give love. Give life. Give encouragement. Give a compliment. Give a smile. Give a hug. Give a laugh. Give a listening ear. Give YOUR TIME. When life seems busy and unmanaged, it remains necessary to capture the value in each moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow, love today. Give to your family, give to your mate, give to your children, give to your co-worker, give to the gas clerk, give to your neighbor, give to the stranger, even give to those who don’t like you. When you don’t want to, give anyway. Give and the desires of your heart shall be given unto you. Xoxo

You can have whatever you want

Does it sound too good to be true? It’s not. Now let me admit, to achieve this you must first know what you do want and not just what you don’t want. Know specifically what you want, then….ask for it. All too often, life just happens. If you ever plan to get what YOU really want for your current and future self, its a must that you know all the details and specifics of what you want. Don’t leave much out. Step outside of any current restricting circumstances or limitations, get creative and really give it some intense thought. Are you ever afraid you don’t have enough? Do you ever imagine not living in lack or fear? Imagine being healthy and full of energy. What do you want to experience for yourself during your lifetime, have you experienced it all yet? DREAM AGAIN. If you have a mate or plan on having a mate in the future it’s important that you discuss these things. Although you may be unable to control the future you can certainly influence it. Don’t end up somewhere you’d rather not be living without the things you want. Go after what you want, have it your way beloved!

Why worry? Dont. Just be happy.

Have you ever been chilling minding your own business and all of a sudden you get a text, email or maybe a phone call and suddenly your entire mood shifts to worry, fear, anger or anxiety without your permission? Yep, happens to me too. It’s important that we are constantly aware and conscious of our emotions so that anytime we feel ourselves operating in a toxic emotion we quickly change our perspective to something more positive. Our emotions influence our thoughts and as you know, our thoughts are powerful beyond measure. We can’t allow our thoughts to stay in a negative state. Lets make a conscious decision that no matter what comes our way on any given day our thoughts will remain positive and hopeful. Stay calm and remind yourself that we are more than able to handle anything thrown our way. Do not become worried with the cares of this world, enjoy the moments. Peace and happiness is available to all who chose. Everything will be just fine…. After all, isn’t it always? 🙂